Then he switched on the Mutator and proceeded to run
a few simple patterns from his steel guitar through it. The
results were astounding, far beyond anything Id ever heard
Roger Brown - The Mix Magazine
The inclusion of complex LFO features and two independent
channels makes the Mutator one of the most character loaded
pieces of sound processing gear Ive ever used.
Maff Evans - Future Music magazine.
The next job was to plug in my trusty Mini-Moog
and see just how good the Mutator really is. I was pleasantly
surprised to discover that the answer is pretty damned good,
actually! I had to check that Id opened up the Moogs
own filter because it was occasionally difficult to tell the difference
- now that is a good filteHr! The more I attempted to overdrive
the Mutator, the warmer it sounded. A sampled sawtooth waveform
from an Akai S1100 sampler emerged from the Mutator with an altogether
different character, thicker and much more worthy of attention
in a busy mix. This is without doubt the best-sounding retro-filter
I have come across. Hear it and weep.
Paul Ward - Sound On Sound magazine.
"...Soon to be occuping rack space in every studio
priding itself on having the latest and best retro analogue gear."
Nigel Lord - Pro Sound News.
"... once acquired , you'd probably wonder how you
ever managed without its mysteries and wonders - it's a Pandora's
box of potential"
Andy Duncan - Making Music.
"The Mutator is quite simply one of the cleanest,
most useful filter units I have ever used and is most definitely
the key to getting your drum tracks and basslines to ooze metamorphose
in organic, slippery ways, resulting in a constantly satisfying
ecstasy wave of sonic magic. It is an excellent unit, which
constantly suprises you with what it can do. Highly Recommended."
Chris Everard - DJ Technologica.
"Beyond its impressive conventional filtering, the
Mutator seemed to produce whole new vistas of sound from the barest
scraps of audio information. A fully midi equipped Mutator
costs £740.00 and is worth at least twice that much to the
serious sonic explorer or professional studio, so versatile is
this strange beast. Adding midi control to the Mutator is
the digital icing on what is a very rich analogue cake to start
with. It's no surprise that Mutator's are already selling like
hotcakes and this addition to its features makes a grate thing
even better."
Roger Brown - The Mix.
To read these in full and others check out our Reviews page
Quotes from users
Its an analogue filter
that is supposed to be designed in a similar way to the input
filters on the Roland System 100 and the MiniMoog, he explains.
I used one when I was doing the Tek 9 remix last year. I
had a System 100 in the studio at the same time and I actually
preferred the Mutator. It has such a nice tone. Its one
of those units thats destined to be a classic in years to
Carl Craig - Producer / Re-Mixer / Studio Owner
"The thing about the Mutator is that it is actually alive.
Mutronics didn't warn me about this of course, and even the man
who runs our local pet shop hasn't got a clue what I should feed
it with or how often I should trim it's claws.
Yes, I know it bites and it frightens my girlfriend but
the the fact is, it makes these wonderful noises and I can't stop
playing with it. Get one only if you're prepared to house train
it and want to sound different and strange"
Tony Coleman - Tongue and Groove Records
I first saw the Mutator at Battery Studios and
my first impression was oh-its a delta blues-in / Kraftwork-out
thing - just what I need! Well, it was just what I needed,
and it will do Earth-in / Space-out, but it does lots more. I
really dig the way you can sneak a little Mutation into a mix
to get some non-reverberant dynamic motion, or thicken things
up, or put that weird resonant edge on things, or you can quit
messing around and go straight into heavy freak-out! This is what
I want - an effect you cant miss. The Mutator seems to handle
whatever level I throw at it, the variable brightness LEDs
are sufficient to get the envelope trigger parameters set, and
all the controls have plenty of range. All this in a solid looking,
slightly menacing black box, with nicely damped pots, and a cool
logo to boot, you really got it together on the Mutator! Wheres
my T-shirt?
Mitch Easter - Producer and owner of Fidelitorium Studio,
Playing with my Mutator has now taken over from
frotting as my favourite pass-time
Andy Weatherall - DJ / Re-mixer / Producer.
"Hollywood, Prepare To Be Mutated"
David Arnold - Artist / Producer / Film Composer
"The Mutator is quite obviously a modern classic, you
just grab the knobs and rotatuM"
Mark McGuire - Producer
"Forget the other shit - this thing is a legend"
The Rapino Brothers - Re-mixers/Producers
"In an age of repetitive beats, allow yourself a little
soothing luxury with a Mutator from Mutronics. Sink into an analogue
bubblebath of creamy smooth lo passes and refreshing highs.
Wallow wourself in the beauty that envelopes you in its'
pure self indulgence - permit yourself an earbath of spectral
Empty your mental colostomy bag and inspect the 'nuff knobage'
on the Mutator today."
Kris Weston - The Orb
"The Mutator sits in my rack like an Arnie in a row of
Shirlie Temples, probably the most potent 2U on the planet."
David White - Engineer/Producer
"The Mutator is fast augmenting, ney indeed replacing
our vintage synth collection which includes the classic mini Moog,
ART Axe and Roland SH101."
Edwyn Collins - Artist & studio owner
"I've used the Mutator as a mixing tool, as a variable
effects unit for recording MIDI, electric and acoustic instruments
and as an added sound source in live performance. The conclusion
I've reached is that you never quite know where you're going to
end up when you Mutate, but the results are always surprising,
unusual and sometimes shocking.
This may not be useful for a Michael Bolton production,
on the other hand, if you're someone who enjoys hearing somebody
ask, "What's that sound like a herd of mad elephants on the
rampage?" then Mutation will become second nature to you"
David Toop - Writer /Musician
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